International Bestselling Author of historical and contemporary romance


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With the wrap on my Frontier Montana series,

I have some exciting news.  I’ve signed a four book

contract with my wonderful publisher, Tule Publishing. 

And even more exciting, I’m switching gears from

historical to contemporary romance. 

I don’t have titles or release dates but I can tell you

it’s a series of brothers that take place in Texas. 

And everyone knows things are bigger in Texas. 

Keep checking in here or follow me on social media for more updates.

I believe I write the same kind of stories no matter if it’s swashbuckling pirates, stories from the old west, or contemporaries.  I like strong women, men who are a little rough around the edges, and a story with enough twists and surprises to keep you turning the page.  Peppered in there are great secondary characters, often a villain, and enough passion to tantalize the senses.

So those of you who prefer historicals, I hope you’ll follow me on this new journey and if this is your first time here and maybe you prefer contemporary, I hope you’ll look at my backlist and see something there you’re willing to take a chance on. 

As always, I’m grateful to my readers for loving what I do.  but write.

Best always,


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